Global Advancements in Prostate Cancer: The Role of Genetic Testing & PARP Inhibitors (2022)
Complimentary CME Virtual Course!
Global Advancements in Prostate Cancer: The Role of Genetic Testing & PARP Inhibitors (2022) is an exciting new global educational initiative featuring a series of four interactive, case-based, live virtual courses conducted in English, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish. For each session, a Moderator will engage two other subject matter experts in an interactive, interview-style presentation and discussion.
Based on the documented need from the AUA Phase IV Advanced Prostate Cancer Global Needs Assessment, the AUA has produced this new series of educational offerings for urologists and the urologic care team focused on the advancements in treating patients with advanced prostate cancer. This course will address the latest developments in advanced prostate cancer disease with a focus on patient selection and approach to genetic testing, how do DNA damage repair mutations lead to prostate carcinogenesis, poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) and targeting DNA repair-deficient tumors, patient outcomes, clinical trials, and AUA Clinical Guideline recommendations.
Each activity will be recorded and feature subject matter experts from around the world. The English and Spanish webcasts will be made available on AUAUniversity and AUA's YouTube channel. The Portuguese and Mandarin webcasts will also be recorded and made available on AUA’s YouTube channel. Additionally, the English course will be released as part of AUA's podcast series.
Learners will also be provided with links to access additional resources including the AUA’s clinical guidelines discussed during the virtual courses and associated patient resources.
Join us on:
Wednesday, April 13, 2022 Presented in English
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 Presented in Spanish
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 Presented in Portuguese
Tuesday, October 4, 2022 Presented in Mandarin
Support provided by independent educational grants from:
- AstraZeneca
- Janssen Biotech, Inc., administered by Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC
- Merck
Target Audience
- Urologists
- Residents
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Review recommended criteria for genetic testing of prostate cancer patients, explain how to counsel patients about genetic testing, and how to order and interpret these tests.
- Explain how mutations in DNA damage repair genes can lead to the development of aggressive prostate cancer and the implications for treatment decisions.
- Describe the role of the enzyme poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) in carcinogenesis as well as the mechanism of PARP inhibition for cancer treatment.
- Discuss clinical trial data assessing the efficacy of PARP inhibitors in advanced prostate cancer, including patient populations and clinical outcomes for each trial.
Education Council Disclosures_ June 2021.pdf
COI Review Work Group Disclsoures_2021.pdf
All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.
Faculty disclosures will be posted here prior to the start of the course.
AUA Office of Education Staff has nothing to disclose.
The American Urological Association (AUA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The American Urological Association designates this live and enduing activity for a maximum of 4.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
The AUA is not accredited to offer credit to participants who are not MDs or DOs. However, the AUA will issue documentation of participation that states that the activity was certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.
It is the policy of the AUA to ensure that the content contained in this CME activity is valid, fair, balanced, scientifically rigorous, and free of commercial bias.
All persons in a position to control the content of an educational activity (i.e., activity planners, presenters, authors) are required to disclose to the provider any relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest. The AUA must determine if the individual’s relationships may influence the educational content and resolve any conflicts of interest prior to the commencement of the educational activity. The intent of this disclosure is not to prevent individuals with relevant financial relationships from participating, but rather to provide learners information with which they can make their own judgments.
All disclosures will be reviewed by the AUA Conflict of Interest (COI) Review Work Group for identification of conflicts of interest. The AUA COI Review Work Group, working with the program directors and/or editors, will document the mechanism(s) for management and mitigation of the conflict of interest and final approval of the activity will be documented prior to implementation. Any of the mechanisms below can/will be used to mitigate conflict of interest:
- Peer review for valid, evidence-based content of all materials associated with an educational activity by the course/program director, editor, and/or AUA COI Review Work Group.
- Limit content to evidence with no recommendations
- Introduction of a debate format with an unbiased moderator (point-counterpoint)
- Inclusion of moderated panel discussion
- Publication of a parallel or rebuttal article for an article that is felt to be biased
- Limit equipment representatives to providing logistics and operation support only in procedural demonstrations
- Divestiture of the relationship by faculty
The audience is advised that this continuing medical education activity may contain reference(s) to off-label or unapproved uses of drugs or devices. Please consult the prescribing information for full disclosure of approved uses.
Disclaimer: The opinions and recommendations expressed by faculty, authors and other experts whose input is included in this program are their own and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the AUA.
Consent to Use of Photographic Images: Attendance at or participation in AUA meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to AUA's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the attendee's image or voice in photographs and electronic reproductions of such meetings and activities.
Audio, Video and Photographic Equipment: The use of audio, video and other photographic recording equipment by attendees is prohibited inside AUA meeting rooms.
Reproduction Permission: Reproduction of written materials developed for this AUA course is prohibited without the written permission from individual authors and the American Urological Association.
Special Assistance/Dietary Needs: The AUA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act §12112(a). If any participant is in need of special assistance or has any dietary restrictions, please see the registration desk.
If you are interested in participating in one or more of the live webinars, please click on the name of each course above and complete the registration process for each one, outlined under the “Take Course” tab. Each course has its' own distinct ZOOM link that you will need to join the webinar.
Registration for these Live Webinars is complimentary.