Urologic Care for the Advanced Practice Provider Webinar (2020)
COMPLIMENTARY to AUA Members! Not an AUA member? Join today for access to this program!
The Urologic Care for the Advanced Practice Provider program is going VIRTUAL on Saturday, May 16 - May 17, 2020!
- DISCOVER as fellow APPs present Abstracts, Clinical Pearls and Best Practices.
- EXPLORE the latest opinions through various case discussions and a BPH debate.
- PARTICIPATE in the APP Panel Discussion on practice integration.
Join Course Directors, Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP and Jim Kovarik, PA-C, and experience two full days of interactive, clinically relevant programming developed by APPs for APPs! Feature topics include:
- Oncology
- Technology and Pharmacology
- Urolithiasis
- Infections/Inflammations
- Men’s Health
- Voiding Dysfunction
- Best Practices and Practice Integration: An APP Practice Management Panel Discussion
Visit the Program tab for full details
Target Audience
- Physician Assistants
- Advanced Practice Nurses
- Registered Nurses
- Allied Health Care Professionals
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Define active surveillance and identify appropriate candidates and discuss tools & templates for active surveillance and triggers to discontinue active surveillance.
- Recognize and explain the appropriate treatment and follow-up for patients with superficial bladder cancer.
- Outline an approach to telehealth for APPs.
- Utilize available perioperative risk stratification tools to assess thromboembolic risk and bleeding risk in patients taking antithrombotic medications in order to develop a perioperative antithrombotic management plan for elective surgeries.
- Identify and discuss the management of complex nephrolithiasis cases.
- Discuss the evaluation and management of common male pediatric GU disorders using practical applications.
- Comprehend and recognize the differential diagnosis and evaluation algorithm for patients with micro and macroscopic hematuria presenting in the office setting.
- Discuss what is and is not classified as a complicated UTI and the evaluation and management of those infections.(
- Ascertain the concept of shared decision making for the evaluation and treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
- Analyze the latest evidence on the surgical management of lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH/LUTS.
- Differentiate between storage or emptying in a neurogenic bladder in order to properly treat and prevent complications.
- Identify mechanisms and risks associated with 3rd line treatment options for overactive bladder.
- Identify common problems associated with neurogenic and overactive bladder.
- Discuss optimal utilization of urologic Advanced Practice Providers.
Recorded webcasts of these presentations will be available in early June. Sign-up to be notified when these recordings become available by clicking HERE.
Times are listed in EDT and are subject to change.
Urologic Care for the Advanced Practice Provider Webinar
Saturday, May 16, 2020
8:30 – 8:40 a.m. Welcome/Introduction: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
Session I: Oncology
8:40 – 8:45 a.m. Pre-test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
8:45 – 9:25 a.m. Prostate Cancer: Active Surveillance Management: Jim Kovarik, PA-C
9:25 – 9:40 a.m. Abstract Presentation: Assessing Quality and Safety of an Advanced Practice Provider led Active Surveillance Clinic for Men with Prostate Cancer – Xin Lin, NP
9:40 – 10:20 a.m. Role of Genetics for Urologic Cancers: Leonard G. Gomella, MD, FACS
10:20 – 10:50 a.m. Diagnosis and Management of Superficial Bladder Cancer: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP
10:50 – 11:00 a.m. Break
11:00 – 11:15 a.m. Podium Presentation – Testicular Mass in a Prostate Cancer Survivor: Diagnosis Management – Mary Dunn, MSN, RN, OCN, NP-C
11:15 – 11:30 a.m. Podium Presentation – GU Hereditary Genetic Counseling and Testing: Prostate Kidney and Bladder Cancer, Oh My! – Lindsey Byrne, MS, LGC
11:30 – 11:35 a.m. Post-test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
11:35 – 11:45 a.m. AUAUniversity Demo for the NEW APP Curriculum: Mary Dunn, MSN, RN, OCN, NP-C
11:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Break
Session II: Technology & Pharmacology
12:15 - 12:20 p.m. Pre-test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
12:20 – 1:00 p.m. Telehealth in Urology Practice: Stanley Mukundi, PA-C
1:00 – 1:35 p.m. Perioperative Antithrombotic Therapy Management: Sarah Stanley, PA-C
1:35 – 1:50 p.m. Podium Presentation – Advocacy and the Advanced Practice Provider: Why State and Federal Advocacy Should be an Integral Component of Your Professional Life – Adele Caruso, DNP, CRNP
1:50 – 2:05 p.m. Podium Presentation – Decreasing Post-Operative Opioid Use While Simultaneously Managing Pain: A Prospective Study of Men Who Underwent Scrotal Surgery – Libert Ramos, DNP, MSN/Ed, APRN
2:05 – 2:20 p.m. Podium Presentation – Changes & Challenges and Tips & Tricks to Assisting in Single-Port Robotics Cases – Ashleigh Renitsky, PA-C
2:20 – 2:25 p.m. Post-test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
2:25 – 2:35 p.m. Break
Session III: Urolithiasis
2:35 – 2:40 p.m. Pre-test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
2:40 – 3:20 p.m. Challenging Urolithiasis Case Panel Discussion
- Moderator: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP
- Panelists: Jim Kovarik, PA-C; Leslie Lorbacher, NP
3:20 - 4:00 p.m. Topic: Pediatric Urology 101: Heidi A. Stephany, MD
4:00 – 4:15 p.m. Podium Presentation – Transition Care for the Young Adult with Congenital Urologic Conditions – Rachel Shapiro, PA-C
4:15 – 4:30 p.m. Post-test/Closing Remarks: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
4:30 p.m. Course Adjourns
Sunday, May 17, 2020
8:30 – 8:35 a.m. Welcome: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
Session IV: Infections/Inflammation
8:35 – 8:40 a.m. Pre-Test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
8:40 – 9:20 a.m. Evaluation of the Patient with Hematuria in 2020: The New Guidelines and Beyond: Jay D. Raman, MD, FACS
9:20 – 9:55 a.m. Complicated UTI Management: Brooke Zilinskas, PA-C
9:55 – 10:00 a.m. Post-Test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
10:00 – 10:10 a.m. Break
Session V: Men’s Health
10:10 – 10:15 a.m. Pre-Test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
10:15 – 10:55 a.m. Guidelines Based Medical Management and Effective Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: Kenneth Mitchell, MPAS, PA-C
10:55 – 11:45 a.m. BPH Debate: Bipolar TURP vs. HoLEP
- Moderator: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP
- Panelists: Kerri L. Thurmon, MD, MPH; Kevin McVary, MD, FACS
11:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Podium Presentation: Pelvic Muscle Rehabilitation following RP: Merging Research with Clinical Practice – Diane Newman, DNP, ANP-BC, FAAN, BCB-PMD
12:00 – 12:05 p.m. Post-Test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
12:05 – 12:35 p.m. Break
12:35 – 12:45 p.m. NEW Award Presentation: Advanced Practice Provider of the Year: Tricia Zubert, NP and Chair, APP Membership Committee
Session VI: Voiding Dysfunction
12:45 – 12:50 p.m. Pre-test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
12:50 – 1:30 p.m. Neurogenic Bladder: To Pee or Not to Pee, that is the Question... - Lori Guelman, APN
1:30 – 2:10 p.m. Treatment Options for Refractory OAB: Alana Murphy, MD
2:10 - 2:45 p.m. Neurogenic Bladder and Overactive Bladder Case Panel Discussion
- Moderator: Jim Kovarik, PA-C
- Panelists: Lori Guelman, APN; Alana Murphy, MD
2:45 – 2:55 p.m. Break
2:55 – 3:10 p.m. Podium Presentation – The Use of Peripheral Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) as an Alternative Treatment for OAB/Incontinence – Lynn Allmond, FNP-BC, CCRC
3:10 – 3:25 p.m. Podium Presentation – Caring for the Patient with an Orthotropic Neobladder Urinary Diversion – Kevin Wayne, PA-C
3:25 – 3:30 p.m. Post-Test: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
Session VII: Best Practices and Practice Integration: An APP Practice Management Panel Discussion
3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Best Practices and Practice Integration: An APP Practice Management Panel Discussion
- Moderator: Jim Kovarik, PA-C
- Panelists: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Kenneth Mitchell, MPAS, PA-C; Edouard J. Trabulsi, MD, FACS
4:30 p.m. Closing Remarks/ Course Adjourns: Anne Calvaresi, DNP, CRNP; Jim Kovarik, PA-C
Urologic Care for the Advanced Practice Provider Webinar (2020) will be held virtually on Saturday, May 16 - Sunday, May 17, 2020
- Click the "Register" tab.
- If prompted, click “update your profile”. Otherwise, click “Take Course”.
- Click "Participant Instructions" and then "Start". In April, instructions will be provided with full details on how to access the audio and web (video) components of the webinar.
Education Council Disclosures
AUA Office of Education Staff has nothing to disclose.
Faculty disclosures will be posted here prior to the start of the course.
James Kovarik, MD
Anne Lizardi-Calvaresi, MD
Lynn Allmond, NP
Kerri Barnes, MD
Lindsey Byrne, MS
Adele Caruso, MD
Mary Dunn, MD
Leonard Gomella, MD
Lori Guelman, MD
Xin Lin, MD
Leslie Lorbacher, MD
Kevin McVary, MD
Kenneth Mitchell, MD
Stanley Mukundi, PA-C
Alana Murphy, MD
Diane Newman, MD
Jay Raman, MD
Libert Ramos, NP
Ashleigh Renitsky, PA-C
Rachel Shapiro, PA
Sarah Stanley, MD
Heidi Stephany, MD
Benjamin Tackett
Edouard Trabulsi, MD,MBA
Kevin Wayne, PA-C, BS, BA
Gwendolyn Zilinskas, PA-C
The American Urological Association (AUA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The American Urological Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 14.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
The AUA is not accredited to offer credit to participants who are not MDs or DOs. However, the AUA will issue documentation of participation that states that the activity was certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.
It is the policy of the AUA to ensure that the content contained in this CME activity is valid, fair, balanced, scientifically rigorous, and free of commercial bias.
All persons in a position to control the content of an educational activity (i.e., activity planners, presenters, authors) are required to disclose to the provider any relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest. The AUA must determine if the individual’s relationships may influence the educational content and resolve any conflicts of interest prior to the commencement of the educational activity. The intent of this disclosure is not to prevent individuals with relevant financial relationships from participating, but rather to provide learners information with which they can make their own judgments.
All disclosures will be reviewed by the program/course directors or editors for identification of conflicts of interest. Peer reviewers, working with the program directors and/or editors, will document the mechanism(s) for management and resolution of the conflict of interest and final approval of the activity will be documented prior to implementation. Any of the mechanisms below can/will be used to resolve conflict of interest:
- Peer review for valid, evidence-based content of all materials associated with an educational activity by the course/program director, editor, and/or Education Content Review Committee or its subgroup.
- Limit content to evidence with no recommendations
- Introduction of a debate format with an unbiased moderator (point-counterpoint)
- Inclusion of moderated panel discussion
- Publication of a parallel or rebuttal article for an article that is felt to be biased
- Limit equipment representatives to providing logistics and operation support only in procedural demonstrations
- Divestiture of the relationship by faculty
The audience is advised that this continuing medical education activity may contain reference(s) to off-label or unapproved uses of drugs or devices. Please consult the prescribing information for full disclosure of approved uses.
AUA Participant Information and Policies
The opinions and recommendations expressed by faculty, authors and other experts whose input is included in this program are their own and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the AUA.
The use of audio, video and other photographic recording equipment by attendees is prohibited inside AUA meetings.
Reproduction of written materials developed for this AUA course is prohibited without the written permission from individual authors and the American Urological Association.
The AUA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act §12112(a). If any participant is in need of special assistance or has any dietary restrictions, please see the registration desk.
Available Credit
- 14.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 14.00 Non-Physician Participation
Registration for this Live Webinar is complimentary to AUA Members.
Not an AUA member? Join today for access to this program!