Engaging Disparities in Prostate Cancer Care Virtual Workshop (2021)
Explore and Navigate Shared Decision Making (SDM)!
Attend this FREE Workshop on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm ET
Practice your Patient Communication at this FREE Workshop!
Experience Diverse Clinical Case Scenarios focused on diversity issues with race, rural locale, sexual orientation, gender orientation and culture.
Increase your participation in SDM and how to implement it in your practice, particularly in underserved communities.
Engage and Learn from All-Star Faculty!
Come Prepared to Participate in interactive role play and case discussions with master Faculty.
Serving as the capstone for the Engaging Disparities in Prostate Cancer Care initiative, this live, HIGHLY INTERACTIVE virtual workshop is designed by Course Co-Directors, Dr. Adam Murphy and Dr. Aisha Langford to lead participants through the process of engaging patients in Shared Decision Making (SDM) regarding prostate cancer screening and prostate cancer treatment decisions.
- Participants will be separated into small groups using virtual breakout rooms to engage in clinical role play and case discussion.
- In each breakout room, expert Faculty will introduce multiple patient case scenarios and facilitate role play amongst their small group.
- The technology will allow all Faculty and participants to see each other and engage in real time with all cameras and microphones turned on.
- All participants must come prepared to fully engage in the clinical role play scenarios and case discussion in order to thoroughly benefit from this virtual education experience.
This course supports the AUA’s efforts to foster, build and advocate for a diverse and inclusive environment within the urology community.
Engaging Disparities in Prostate Cancer Care consists of multiple educational activities featuring a variety of formats for the urologic healthcare team. These activities reinforce the essentials of Shared Decision Making (SDM) to better assist high-risk patients in regards to prostate cancer screening and treatment. A live webinar, three episode podcast series, Clinical Problem Solving (CPS) Protocol and Live Virtual Workshop will enable participants to be better prepared to apply SDM in their practice and comply with the recently proposed USPSTF Grade C recommendation for PSA screening. The latest research documenting the benefits and drawbacks of PSA screening as well as treatment approaches for incident localized prostate cancer will be incorporated.
These complimentary educational offerings are intended for a wide-range of health practitioners, both experienced and new to the field, as well as graduate trainees. Learners will hear, observe, evaluate, practice, and role-play SDM strategies and culturally sensitive scenarios for prostate cancer screening and treatment decisions. Activities will offer not only didactic information, but also interactive training sessions with a focus on recommended strategies for improving SDM, participants' attitudes towards SDM, knowledge about SDM, implicit and explicit biases in SDM, and skills for multi-level SDM (i.e. patient and family caregivers).
Support provided by independent educational grants from:
- Astellas
- Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc.
- Genentech
- Janssen Biotech, Inc., administered by Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC.
- Merck
- Pfizer, Inc.
Target Audience
- Urologists
- Residents
- Advanced Practice Providers (Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants)
- This training is intended for a wide-range of health practitioners, both experienced and new to the field, as well as graduate trainees.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, the learner will:
- Discuss the impact of SDM on patients and on patient-clinician communication.
- Identify at least one implementation strategy for using SDM in clinical practice.
- Apply SDM techniques in a role-playing exercise with other colleagues.
- Incorporate culturally sensitive communications to ensure quality SDM and reduce biases.
- Utilize the knowledge and experience they have gained through role-play into their routine practice-counseling patients.
Engaging Disparities in Prostate Cancer Care | Virtual Interactive Workshop Agenda
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm ET
3:00 – 3:04 pm Welcome
3:04 – 3:05 pm Faculty Introductions - Adam Murphy, MD, MBA, MSCI
3:05 – 3:10 pm Knowledge Assessment: Pre-Test - Aisha Langford, PhD, MPH
3:10 – 3:20 pm Shared Decision Making (SDM) Role Play – An Introduction
Adam Murphy, MD, MBA, MSCI; Aisha Langford, PhD, MPH
3:20 – 3:25 pm Role Play Instructions
3:25 – 4:55 pm Role Play in Breakout Rooms for Prostate Cancer Screening & Treatment - All Faculty
- 3:25 pm Faculty & Attendees move into Breakout Rooms
- 3:25 – 3:35 pm Ice Breaker Exercise
- 3:35 – 3:43 pm Case #1 – Prostate Cancer Screening (8 min)
- Attendee Role Play – Team A
- 3:43 – 3:55 pm Case #2 – Prostate Cancer Treatment (12 min)
- Attendee Role Play – Team B
- 3:55 – 4:03 pm Case #3 – Prostate Cancer Screening (8 min)
- Attendee Role Play – Team C
- 4:03 – 4:13 pm Cases #1-3: Group Discussion/Feedback (10 min)
- 4:13 – 4:25 pm Case #4 – Prostate Cancer Treatment (12 min)
- Attendee Role Play – Team A
- 4:25 – 4:33 pm Case #5 – Prostate Cancer Screening (8 min)
- Attendee Role Play – Team B
- 4:33 – 4:45 pm Case #6 – Prostate Cancer Treatment (12 min)
- Attendee Role Play – Team
- 4:45 – 4:55 pm Cases #4-6: Group Discussion/Feedback (10 min)
- 4:55 pm Faculty & Attendees Return to main session
4:55 – 5:00 pm Wrap-up - Adam Murphy, MD, MBA, MSCI; Aisha Langford, PhD, MPH
5:00 pm Workshop Adjourns
Engaging Disparities in Prostate Cancer Care Virtual Workshop (2021) will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 from 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Eastern Time.
- Review the Participant Instructions prior to attending the Virtual Workshop
- Attend the Virtual Workshop
- Complete the Key Word*
- Complete the Follow-up Assessment (Post-test)*
- Complete the Evaluation*
- Claim CME Credit*
- Print Certificate*
*The Key Word will be provided at the end of the Workshop. The Key Word is required to gain access to the Follow-up Assessment, Evaluation, CME Credit Claim and Certificate.
Faculty disclosures will be posted here prior to the start of the course.
Education Council Disclosures
Education Council Disclosures 2021
COI Review Work Group Disclosures
COI Review Work Group Disclosures 2021
All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.
AUA Office of Education Staff has nothing to disclose.
Aisha Langford, PHD, MPH
Adam Murphy, MD
Michael Abern, MD
Channa Amarasekera, MD
Leslie Deane, MD,FACS,FRCSC,MS
Stacy Loeb, MD
June Mckoy, MD,MBA,MPH
Neil Mistry, MD
Elizabeth Perazza, MD
Sarah Psutka, MD
Simpa Salami, MD,MPH
The American Urological Association (AUA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The American Urological Association designates this live activity for a maximum of 2.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
The AUA is not accredited to offer credit to participants who are not MDs or DOs. However, the AUA will issue documentation of participation that states that the activity was certified for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.
It is the policy of the AUA to ensure that the content contained in this CME activity is valid, fair, balanced, scientifically rigorous, and free of commercial bias.
All persons in a position to control the content of an educational activity (i.e., activity planners, presenters, authors) are required to disclose to the provider any relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest. The AUA must determine if the individual’s relationships may influence the educational content and resolve any conflicts of interest prior to the commencement of the educational activity. The intent of this disclosure is not to prevent individuals with relevant financial relationships from participating, but rather to provide learners information with which they can make their own judgments.
All disclosures will be reviewed by the AUA Conflict of Interest (COI) Review Work Group for identification of conflicts of interest. The AUA COI Review Work Group, working with the program directors and/or editors, will document the mechanism(s) for management and mitigation of the conflict of interest and final approval of the activity will be documented prior to implementation. Any of the mechanisms below can/will be used to mitigate conflict of interest:
- Peer review for valid, evidence-based content of all materials associated with an educational activity by the course/program director, editor, and/or AUA COI Review Work Group.
- Limit content to evidence with no recommendations
- Introduction of a debate format with an unbiased moderator (point-counterpoint)
- Inclusion of moderated panel discussion
- Publication of a parallel or rebuttal article for an article that is felt to be biased
- Limit equipment representatives to providing logistics and operation support only in procedural demonstrations
- Divestiture of the relationship by faculty
The audience is advised that this continuing medical education activity may contain reference(s) to off-label or unapproved uses of drugs or devices. Please consult the prescribing information for full disclosure of approved uses.
Disclaimer: The opinions and recommendations expressed by faculty, authors and other experts whose input is included in this program are their own and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the AUA.
Consent to Use of Photographic Images: Attendance at or participation in AUA meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to AUA's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the attendee's image or voice in photographs and electronic reproductions of such meetings and activities.
Audio, Video and Photographic Equipment: The use of audio, video and other photographic recording equipment by attendees is prohibited inside AUA meeting rooms.
Reproduction Permission: Reproduction of written materials developed for this AUA course is prohibited without the written permission from individual authors and the American Urological Association.
Special Assistance/Dietary Needs: The AUA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act §12112(a). If any participant is in need of special assistance or has any dietary restrictions, please see the registration desk.
Available Credit
- 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 2.00 Non-Physician Participation
Registration is complimentary. However, given the highly interactive nature of this course, should you need to cancel your participation for any reason, please let us know at least two weeks before the course by contacting education@auanet.org.
Instructions To Register and Receive the Zoom Confirmation Email With Direct Link to Join the Virtual Workshop:
- Click on the TAKE COURSE button.
- Click "Start" under "Virtual Workshop" in the Course Progress pane.
- Click on the Zoom link provided to register in advance and receive an email confirmation from Zoom with the direct link to join the Virtual Workshop.
- Important Reminder: All participants must come prepared to fully engage in the clinical role play scenarios and case discussion in order to thoroughly benefit from this virtual education experience.
Attendee Information & Policies
AUA Anti-Harassment Policy
AUA Commitment: AUA is committed to providing a safe and productive meeting environment that fosters open dialogue and the exchange of scientific ideas and is free of harassment and discrimination. All meeting participants are expected to behave professionally and treat others with respect, follow venue rules, and alert AUA staff or security of any dangerous situations or anyone in distress.
Reporting Harassment: It is the policy of the AUA that all meeting participants will enjoy an environment free from discrimination, harassment or retaliation. Harassing or offensive behavior by meeting participants will not be tolerated. If an individual experiences or witnesses harassment, he or she should contact Janet Skorepa, AUA EVP, at jskorepa@AUAnet.org or Diane Bieri, AUA General Counsel, at dbieri@AUAnet.org or use a venue phone and ask for security if he or she feels unsafe. All complaints will be treated seriously and responded to promptly.
The AUA reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including refusing or revoking the registration of any individual, without refund, as long as such refusal is consistent with applicable law and AUA policy.
Disclaimer: The opinions and recommendations expressed by faculty, authors and other experts whose input is included in this program are their own and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the American Urological Association (AUA).
Consent to Use of Photographic Images: Registration and attendance at or participation in AUA meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to AUA's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee's image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of such events and activities.
Audio, Video, Photographic Equipment: The use of audio, video and other photographic recording equipment by attendees is prohibited inside AUA meeting rooms.
Reproduction Permission: Reproduction of written materials developed for this AUA course is prohibited without the written permission from individual authors and the AUA.
Special Assistance/Dietary Needs: The AUA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act §12112(a). If any participant is in need of special assistance or has any dietary restrictions, a written request should be submitted at least one month in advance. For additional assistance with your request please call 1-800-908-9414.