Conflict of Interest Disclosures - Guidelines Panelists

Congratulations on your role in producing AUA’s Clinical Guidelines.  Guideline development is an important driver of the AUA mission and one of the top-rated AUA benefits to its members and urology.  Now that you are involved in the creation of clinical guidelines, there are some things you need to know about how you can do your part to ensure that they are created without bias or the appearance of such.

In this learning module, we will take you through the principles of Conflict of Interest disclosure and mitigation, the different types of financial and intellectual relationships that need to be disclosed, and how the process is designed to maintain objectivity and good faith.

Target Audience

AUA Guidelines Panel Members

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, learners will be able to:

  • Define the term “conflict of interest” and explain why it is important to Guideline Panel members
  • Describe the process for creating and updating COI disclosures
  • State the different categories that describe an individual’s relationship with healthcare companies, healthcare publications, and other associations
  • List the different “Levels of Involvement” in AUA operations and activities, and explain how they are applied to Guideline Panel members
  • Describe the process for disclosing, identifying, and mitigating conflicts of interest, as well as the mechanisms for enforcement of COI policies
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

David A. Ginsberg, MD

Chair, AUA Guidelines Committee

Please login or register to take this course.


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Please click on "Take Course," then watch the video and complete the Attestation Form.  If you complete the Attestation Form and click "Yes," you will be presumed to have watched the video in its entirety.

This is a free activity for AUA Guidelines Panel Members.  Your attendance will be recorded once you watch the video and complete the Attestation Form.