E.g., 02/13/2025
E.g., 02/13/2025
Title Category Credit Event datesort ascending List Price
Update Series (2023) Lesson 4: Difficult Foleys and Foley Difficulties
    • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 Erratum NoticeAn erratum has been issued for Update Series (2023) Lesson 4: Difficult Foleys and Foley Difficulties. “Over the filiform, a follower is used to dilate the urethra.” has been changed to “A follower is then screwed onto the end of the filiform and used to dilate the urethra.” The online and PDF versions have been updated to reflect this change.
Update Series (2017) Lesson 32: Long-term Complications of Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer and How to Manage Them $99.00 Now in its 36th installment, the AUA Update Series is renowned for delivering high-quality lessons to practicing urologists, fellows and residents. All content is developed in con­sultation with and edited by internationally recognized experts in urology, making the AUA Update Series the most professional and sought-after self-study program available. Improve your practice and patient care by staying abreast of the latest treatments and surgical techniques in urology.Available in Two Formats
Advanced Practice Provider Core Curriculum: Painful Bladder Syndrome and Interstitial Cystitis (2023)
    • 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 0.75 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 Member only benefit! Results of a recent survey sent to US based practicing urologists show that there has been an increase in the number of advanced practice providers (APPs) actively providing front-line urologic care. Based on these findings, it was determined that the AUA develop a modular curriculum to be used in advancing the standard of urologic education for APPs. This educational curriculum, developed in partnership with the Cleveland Clinic, is comprised of online videos targeted towards the most common reasons patients seek non-operative urologic care.
Update Series (2015) Lesson 14: Cryptorchidism $0.00 For the most timely topics and latest surgical techniques in urology, you won’t want to miss the 2015 AUA Update Series—the AUA’s most popular self-study CME product.All new topics for 2015!
Update Series (2019) Lesson 24: Lessons Learned in Military Urotrauma $99.00 NOTE: CME is no longer available for this activityNow in its 38th installment, the AUA Update Series is renowned for delivering high-quality lessons to practicing urologists, fellows and residents. All content is developed in consultation with and edited by internationally recognized experts in urology, making the AUA Update Series the most professional and sought-after self-study program available. Improve your practice and patient care by staying abreast of the latest treatments and surgical techniques in urology.
Update Series (2021) Lesson 16: Complications of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy $99.00 NOTE: CME is no longer available for this activity.Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go!This enhanced feature is FREE to all Update Series subscribers. Stream audio recordings of all 40 lessons conveniently from your mobile device! Access the Audio Lesson in the AUAUniversity app and within the AUAU  lesson Content page.
Update Series (2023) Lesson 29: Considerations for Urologic Care and Pregnancy
    • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go for Free!Did you know you can stream Update Series lessons from your favorite Podcast app (including Apple Podcast and Pocket Casts)?Add the Update Series Audio Lessons to Your Podcast Library Today!Please follow the download instructions to your preferred Podcast app, located below. 
Update Series (2017) Lesson 13: Injectables for Stress Urinary Incontinence $99.00 Now in its 36th installment, the AUA Update Series is renowned for delivering high-quality lessons to practicing urologists, fellows and residents. All content is developed in con­sultation with and edited by internationally recognized experts in urology, making the AUA Update Series the most professional and sought-after self-study program available. Improve your practice and patient care by staying abreast of the latest treatments and surgical techniques in urology.Available in Two Formats
Update Series (2024) Lesson 30: Social Determinants of Health: Implications for Urologists
    • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go for Free!Did you know you can stream Update Series lessons from your favorite Podcast app (including Apple Podcast and Pocket Casts)?Add the Update Series Audio Lessons to Your Podcast Library Today!Please follow the download instructions to your preferred Podcast app, located below. 
Update Series (2015) Lesson 30: Management of Post-Obstructive Diuresis $0.00 For the most timely topics and latest surgical techniques in urology, you won’t want to miss the 2015 AUA Update Series—the AUA’s most popular self-study CME product.All new topics for 2015!
Update Series Index 2010-2024 $0.00 AUA Update Series Index 2010-2024
Update Series (2019) Lesson 40: Urologist, Heal Thyself: Wellness in Urology $99.00 NOTE: CME is no longer available for this activityNow in its 38th installment, the AUA Update Series is renowned for delivering high-quality lessons to practicing urologists, fellows and residents. All content is developed in consultation with and edited by internationally recognized experts in urology, making the AUA Update Series the most professional and sought-after self-study program available. Improve your practice and patient care by staying abreast of the latest treatments and surgical techniques in urology.
Update Series (2021): Test Your Knowledge Lessons 1-5 $0.00 For our annual subscribers, we are excited to continue to offer a new feature to the Update Series! If you like to answer questions to help you study and learn, we are now offering Test Your Knowledge activities with each release of the Update Series.This new feature:
Update Series (2024) Lesson 7: Updates in Critical Care Management in the Urologic Patient
    • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go for Free!Did you know you can stream Update Series lessons from your favorite Podcast app (including Apple Podcast and Pocket Casts)?Add the Update Series Audio Lessons to Your Podcast Library Today!Please follow the download instructions to your preferred Podcast app, located below. 
Update Series (2016) Lesson 6: Early Genital Surgery in Children with Disorders of Sex Development $0.00 For the most timely topics and latest surgical techniques in urology, you won't want to miss the 2016 AUA Update Series—AUA's most popular self-study CME product.Concise, practical lessons on timely topicsState-of-the-art surgical techniquesAuthors are among the best in their specialtiesEarn up to 40 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
