Conflict of Interest Disclosures - Speakers

This module of the Educator Development Program discusses Conflict of Interest disclosures and why they are so important to the AUA.

The AUA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.  As an accredited provider the AUA must adhere to the ACCME’s Standards for Integrity and Independence in Continuing Medical Education.  The AUA can only offer accredited education by adhering to these standards.

A key requirement of these standards is to identify, mitigate and disclose all financial relationships and how the AUA’s process for adherence. In this module, you will learn about the ACCME Standards (with a focus on Standard 3) and how to complete the tasks AUA requires of creators and planners of medical education content.

This module has been updated for 2023 and supersedes all previous modules.



Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:

1. Define a conflict of interest as it relates to educational activities.

2. Identify companies that meet the ACCME's definition of a commercial interest (aka ineligible company).

3. List relationships that must be reported as part of the AUA disclosure process.

4. Explain which relationships may impact your ability to control the content of an accredited continuing education activity. 

5. Articulate the importance of conflict of interest disclosures to AUA and its members and learners.

6. Navigate the AUA COI disclosure system to provide the necessary disclosures.

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 

Jay D. Raman, MD, FACS

AUA Chair of Education
Professor of Urology
Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

Costas Lallas, MD, FACS

Chair, Conflict of Interest Review Workgroup
Please login or register to take this course.


1. Click on "Take Course," then watch the video

2. Complete the Attestation Form.  If you complete the Attestation Form and click "Yes," you will be presumed to have watched the video in its entirety.

This is a free, required activity for all AUA educators, so that they may understand the requirements of the Conflict of Interest Disclosure process.  Your participation will be recorded once you watch the video and complete the Attestation Form.