Advancing Women in Urology: Negotiating for Success (2022)

December 7, 2022


Complimentary Live Virtual Course!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022 | 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. EST

Advancing Women in Urology, an exciting new educational initiative, has been designed to elevate awareness and provide content that focuses on career tips, advancement, and education featuring women leaders in all areas of urology. The topic for this live course was based on feedback from an AUA survey and a women-led Steering Committee. Dr. Nancy Spector, Executive Director of Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM), will moderate an engaging multi-disciplinary panel of three subject matter experts in an interview-style presentation and discussion. To kick off this educational series, this 1-hour, conversation-style live webinar will focus on the topic of Negotiation and includes what to consider when negotiating, negotiation strategies, and the impact of not negotiating. 

The Advancing Women in Urology: Negotiating for Success Live Virtual Course will be recorded and available in webcast format on AUAUniversity and AUA’s YouTube channel. In addition, a series of three podcasts focusing on Mentorship, Sponsorship, and Coaching will be recorded and released in November and December, 2022 on the AUAUniversity podcast and on the AUA Leadership and Business podcast in early 2023.




This educational series was made possible by support from Urovant

Target Audience

  • Urologist
  • Resident
  • Advanced Practice Provider (Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants)

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of Advancing Women in Urology, participants will be able to:

  1. Develop a framework for understanding the importance effective negotiation and self-advocacy has on the advancement of women.
  2. Identify negotiation strategies that can be applied to negotiations.
  3. Describe the impact negotiation has on the individual, the institution, and to the field.
Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
12/07/2022 - 7:30pm EST
Event ends: 
12/07/2022 - 8:30pm EST



  1. Click on the TAKE COURSE button.
  2. Click “Start” under "Live Virtual Course" in the Course Progress pane.
  3. Click on the link provided to register in advance for this course.
  4. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the live virtual course. 



PDF icon Education Council Disclosures_2022.pdf


PDF icon COI Review Work Group Disclosures_2022.pdf


Course Director:

Nancy Spector, MD, known for her leadership abilities and facilitation skills, will moderate the discussion. Dr. Spector is a Professor of Pediatrics and serves at the Drexel University College of Medicine (DUCOM) as Executive Director of the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine® (ELAM) program, a part-time year-long, national leadership fellowship program for women in academic medicine, dentistry, public health, and pharmacy and as Executive Director of the Executive Leadership in Health Care (ELH) program for women leaders in hospital and health care systems. In addition to these roles, she serves as Senior Vice Dean for Faculty, the Betty A. Cohen Chair in Women’s Health, and Executive Director of the Lynn Yeakel Institute for Women’s Health and Leadership (IWHL).

Her contributions to graduate medical education and academic medicine are in leadership skills development, professional development, gender equity, mentoring and sponsorship, and curriculum development and implementation.

Multi-disciplinary Panel:

Julie A. Freischlag, MD, FACS, FRCSEd(Hon), DFSVS, is the chief executive officer of Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist, dean of Wake Forest University School of Medicine, and chief academic officer of Atrium Health. Consistently ranked among the nation’s top medical centers, Wake Forest Baptist includes a growing, multi-hospital health system and physician network, the state-of-the-art and highly competitive Wake Forest School of Medicine, and the school’s technology transfer and commercialization arm, Wake Forest Innovations. 

She mentors students, residents and young faculty and is a frequent speaker on topics ranging from her expertise in vascular diseases, teamwork and patient safety, leadership and work-life balance to women succeeding in health professions. Freischlag has dedicated her career to serving as a role model for her students, a respected colleague across health professions, a strong community leader and a national voice for improving health and health care.

Kimberly Templeton, MD, FAAOS, FAOA, FAMWA is Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Kansas Medical Center and has been the residency program director for almost 20 years. She received her undergraduate degree from Washington University in St. Louis and her MD from the University of Missouri in Columbia. She completed her residency at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s in Chicago and her oncology fellowship in the Harvard Combined Programs. Her clinical practice is focused on orthopaedic oncology, as well as women’s musculoskeletal health. Her research is in the area of sex and gender medicine and the inclusion of this into health professions’ education, as well as the issues faced by women physicians. Dr. Templeton is past-president of the Kansas Orthopaedic Society, the Mid-Central States Orthopaedic Society, the US Bone and Joint Initiative, and the American Medical Women’s Association.

Simone Thavaseelan, MD is an Associate Professor of Surgery/(Urology) at Brown Urology Inc (BUI) at Brown University.  She completed medical school at Georgetown University School of Medicine, and residency and fellowship in Minimally Invasive Urology and Endourology at Brown University.  She is Residency Program Director and Section Chief of Urology at the VA Medical Center in Providence RI.  She serves as member of the Graduate Medical Education Committee of Rhode Island Hospital, Advisory Committees of the Office of Faculty Professional Development and the Office of Women in Medicine and Science at the Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University, Board of Directors of the Society of Women in Urology, the Society of Academic Urology and BUI, and on the Diversity & Inclusion Task Force for the Department of Surgery, Brown Physicians Inc (BPI) as well as the AUA.    

Register/Take course

Please login or register to take this course.

Registration is complimentary.


  1. Click on the TAKE COURSE button.
  2. Click “Start” under "Live Virtual Course" in the Course Progress pane.
  3. Click on the link provided to register in advance for this course.
  4. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the course. 



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AUA Commitment: AUA is committed to providing a safe and productive meeting environment that fosters open dialogue and the exchange of scientific ideas and is free of harassment and discrimination. All meeting participants are expected to behave professionally and treat others with respect, follow venue rules, and alert AUA staff or security of any dangerous situations or anyone in distress.

Reporting Harassment: It is the policy of the AUA that all meeting participants will enjoy an environment free from discrimination, harassment or retaliation. Harassing or offensive behavior by meeting participants will not be tolerated. If an individual experiences or witnesses harassment, he or she should contact Janet Skorepa, AUA EVP, at All complaints will be treated seriously and responded to promptly.

The AUA reserves the right to take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including refusing or revoking the registration of any individual, without refund, as long as such refusal is consistent with applicable law and AUA policy.

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