Advances in the Management and Treatment of Urolithiasis Webinar (2020)
AUA is pleased to bring this FREE non-cme webinar to the global urologic community.
Dr. John Denstedt is joined by expert faculties Drs. Timothy Averch, Xiaofeng Gao, Jorge Guitierrez-Aceves, Kunjie Wang, and Guohua Zeng for a dynamic program featuring the use of surgical videos and didactic lectures to discuss the latest advancements in the treatment and management of Urolithiasis.
Join our world-renowned experts to learn more about the prevention and treatment of URS complications and PCNL injuries, techniques and indications of mini-PCNL, single use vs reusable ureteroscopes, UTIs and sepsis in ureteroscopy, and the role of microbiota metabolites and local inflammation.
This activity is supported through a generous grant by Pusen.
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Target Audience
- Urologists
- Residents
Jorge Gutierrez-Aceves, MD
Timothy Averch, MD
John D. Denstedt, MD, FRCSC,FACS,FCAH
Xiaofeng Gao, MD
Kunjie Wang, MD
Guohua Zeng, MD
NOTE: This activity is a non-CME resource. CME is not awarded for this activity.
The audience is advised that this education activity may contain reference(s) to off-label or unapproved uses of drugs or devices. Please consult the prescribing information for full disclosure of approved uses.