Patient Description:

Donald Jones -

    • Is a 47-year-old African American male
    • Was previously seen for kidney stones now interested in prostate cancer screening
    • Is Unmarried
    • Has No Children
    • Second degree family history or prostate cancer
    • Had 1 episode of kidney stones 1.5 years ago and recent kidney US ordered by PCP was negative. No new symptoms or episodes. Wants to discuss whether he should do prostate cancer screening


SCRIPT: You are the “Clinician”.

Clinician: “I am (Title/name), it has been a while since we saw you. What brings you in today?”

(Patient will respond)

Clinician: Seek your patient’s participation in Shared Decision making:

(Patient will respond)

     Clinician: Help your patient explore the pros and cons of the following options:

  • No screening ever
  • Baseline PSA now and screening frequency based on if above or below median for age range
  • Delay PSA screening until age 55 or 60
  • PSA screening every 1-2 years starting now

(Patient will respond)

Clinician: Assess your patient’s values and preferences

(Patient will respond)

Clinician: Reach a decision with your patient

(Patient will respond)

Clinician: Evaluate your patient’s decision:

(Patient will respond)

Clinician: wrap up the patient visit