Curtis Nickel, MD
Dr. J. Curtis Nickel MD, FRCSC
Professor, Department of Urology, Queen/’s University
Canada Research Chair in Urologic Pain and Inflammation
President of the Canadian Urological Association
Staff Urologist, Department of Urology, Kingston and Hotel Dieu General Hospitals
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Nickel’s research covers inflammatory (including infections), benign prostate (BPH) and pain diseases (prostatitis and interstitial cystitis) of the urinary tract. He has over 550 publications, is on the editorial board of 8 Urology journals, presented in 45 countries, funded by US NIH and Canadian CIHR and was awarded a CIHR Tier I Canada Research Chair (concurrent), AUA Distinguished Contribution Award and SIU Academy Award. He is currently Past-president of the Canadian Urological Association.
Financial relationships
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Consultant or Advisor (General Urology)Ineligible company:HengRuiDate added:Date updated:05/13/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Consultant or Advisor (General Urology)Ineligible company:ValensaDate added:Date updated:05/13/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Scientific Study or Trial (General Urology)Ineligible company:InmunotekDate added:Date updated:05/13/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Scientific Study or Trial (General Urology)Ineligible company:MicroGenDxDate added:Date updated:05/13/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Consultant or Advisor (General Urology)Ineligible company:TEVADate added:Date updated:05/13/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Scientific Study or Trial (General Urology)Ineligible company:RedLeaf MedicalDate added:Date updated:05/13/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Consultant or Advisor (General Urology)Ineligible company:Alivio TherapeuticsDate added:Date updated:05/13/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Consultant or Advisor (General Urology)Ineligible company:Seikagaku CorporationDate added:Date updated:05/13/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Consultant or Advisor (General Urology)Ineligible company:Farr LaboratoriesDate added:Date updated:05/13/2024
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Meeting Participant or Lecturer (General Urology)Ineligible company:UTIVADate added:Date updated:05/13/2024