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Emmanuel Antonarakis, MD
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship: Other
Ineligible company: Tokai
Type of financial relationship: Other
Ineligible company: Novartis
Type of financial relationship: Independent contractor
Ineligible company: Medivation
Type of financial relationship: Other
Ineligible company: Johnson & Johnson
Type of financial relationship: Independent contractor
Ineligible company: GlaxoSmithKline
Type of financial relationship: Other
Ineligible company: Genentech
Type of financial relationship: Independent contractor
Ineligible company: Lilly
Type of financial relationship: Other
Ineligible company: Celgene
Type of financial relationship: Other
Ineligible company: Bristol Myers-Squibb
Type of financial relationship: Independent contractor
Ineligible company: Bayer
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