Robert Sweet, MD, FACS

Dr. Sweet is a Professor of Urology at the University of Washington. With a focus on treating and preventing kidney stones, he serves as a provider, as well as the Medical Director of the University of Washington Kidney Stone Center.
Dr. Sweet is also Executive Director of both the Washington Wyoming Alaska Montana Idaho (WWAMI) Institute for Simulation in Healthcare (WISH) and the UW Center for Research in Education and Simulation Technologies (CREST). He is the Principal Investigator of numerous simulation research and development projects including the Combat Casualty Training Consortium and the Advanced Modular Manikin.
Dr. Sweet has served in leadership positions in the area of simulation and education within the American College of Surgeons, the Society for Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, the Endourology Society and the American Urological Association. With a vision of training leaders in Surgical Simulation, he helped develop the Surgical Simulation Fellowship Accreditation Program for the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Division of Education. He also founded and directed International Fellowship Programs at both the University of Minnesota and the University of Washington. Previously, Dr. Sweet was an AUA Scholar in Simulation Science at the University of Washington and holder of an endowed Chair for Simulation Science at the University of Minnesota.
Dr. Sweet has been involved in the founding of two major Simulation Centers: The University of Minnesota’s SimPORTAL and the University of Washington WISH.