MP53-09: New algorithm APhiGT for prostate cancer staging

New algorithm APhiGT for prostate cancer staging

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The proportion of errors in preoperative prostate cancer (PC) staging in modern onco-urological practice is still high due to inaccuracies in tumor size (T) and Gleason score assessment on biopsy specimens. The aim of this study was to develop a new mathematical algorithm for PC staging at the start of the treatment.


The algorithm APhiGT was developed by using logistic regression method. APhiGT is calculated by the formula: APhiGT = 0.01*phi + 0.025*Age + Gleason + 0.6*T, where Age - number of full years; PHI - prostate health index; Gleason - rank (based on biopsy results), has value "1" for Gleason 5-6, "2" - for 7 (3+4), "3" - for 7 (4+3), "4" - for 8-10; T - rank (based on the TNM classification), has value "1" for T2N0 and "2" - for T3N0. The study included 337 primary patients with tPSA


Rate of errors in preoperative Gleason score assessment (4.7, aggressive PC was diagnosed in 96.9% of cases. Based on ROC-analysis, for patients with PSA total levels 2.5-10.0 ng/ml, advantage of APhiGT over PHI was demonstrated. For discrimination of pGl


Our results indicate the prospects of preoperative PC staging improvement using new algorithm APhiGT.

Funding: none