Robert Dreicer, MD
Robert Dreicer, MD, MS, MACP, FASCO, is the associate director for clinical research and the deputy director of the University of Virginia Cancer Center. He serves as section head of medical oncology and co-director of the Paul Mellon Urologic Institute. He is a professor of medicine and urology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. He previously served as chair of the Department of Solid Tumor Oncology at the Cleveland Clinic and deputy associate director for clinical research for the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Dreicer is board certified in internal medicine and medical oncology. His areas of specialization are the management of genitourinary malignancies and the design and conduct of clinical trials in urologic oncology. Dr. Dreicer received his BS degree at Colorado State University and his MS degree at the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences in Houston, Texas. He received his MD from the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. He completed an internal medicine residency at Indiana University in Indianapolis followed by a medical oncology fellowship at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Clinical Cancer Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Dr. Dreicer has published widely in genitourinary oncology, and served as principle investigator of a large number of studies in genitourinary neoplasms. He is a member of the editorial board of New England Journal of Medicine’s Journal Watch Hematology/Oncology as well as Lancet Oncology’s International Advisory Board. In October of 2016, he was awarded Mastership in the American College of Physicians.
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