Call for Core Video Abstracts 2024


The American Urological Association is now accepting teaching video abstracts for inclusion in the Urology Core Curriculum. Teaching video abstracts should provide step-by-step instructions for performing common urologic procedures. Each video submission will be reviewed by the Urologic Video Education Committee and the best videos in each category will be submitted to the Core Curriculum Committee for final selections. Authors of accepted videos will be notified by December 31, 2024. The accepted videos will be played in a continuous feed at the 2025 AUA Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada and will be published in the AUA Core Curriculum.

This year, the Core Curriculum Committee is requesting videos on the following topics and procedures:

Basics & Consults 

  • Flexible Cystoscopy (Male and Female)
  • Suprapubic Tube Placement (Open, Percutaneous, Cystoscopy Assisted)
  • Rigid Cystoscopy (30 and 70 degree Lens and Why/Which)
  • Rigid Cystoscopy with Bladder Biopsy
  • Rigid Cystoscopy with Clot Evacuation (Use of Ellik Device, Piston Irrigation Syringe, Scooping Out Clot and Fulgurating Bleeders)
  • Cystoscopy (flex or rigid) with Botulinum Toxin Injection
  • Cystoscopy with Retrograde Pyelograms and/or Ureteral Stent Placement (highlighting placement of the distal curl of the stent under fluoroscopy versus direct vision, perhaps using ultrasound to confirm placement as may be useful in pregnant patients)
  • Aspiration and Drainage of Priapism
  • Cystorraphy/Bladder Repair (in context of bladder trauma such as MVC or GSW, and iatrogenic injuries during gynecological or colorectal surgery)

Female, Voiding & BPH

  • Implantable Tibial Nerve Stimulator Placement

Calculus, Lap/Robotics, Upper Tract Obstruction

  • Robotic Ileal Ureter Reconstruction
  • Robotic Ureterocalicostomy
  • Basic of Ureteroscopy with Laser Lithotripsy

Interventional Urology

  • Basic Concepts of Interventional Urology

Oncology, Urinary Diversion, Adrenal

  • Adrenal - Open Transperitoneal Adrenalectomy
  • MIBC - Open Radical Cystectomy (Male and Female)
  • NMIBC - TURBT with Staccato Technique
  • Geriatrics – Short Physical Performance Battery
  • Penile Cancer
    • Dynamic Sentinal Lymph Node Biopsy
    • Penile Resurfacing Procedures
    • Partial Penectomy
    • Radical Penectomy
  • Renal
    • Open Partial Nephrectomy, Flank
    • Open Transperitoneal Nephrectomy
    • Low Level Venous Tumor Thrombectomy
  • Testis – MIS RPLND


To submit your teaching video abstract:

Please direct any questions to