V2-02: Female Urethral Disease

V2-02: Female Urethral Disease



The aim of this video was to illustrate the cystoscopic findings of female urethral disease.


This is an IRB approved collection of cystoscopic findings of female urethral disease captured during surgical procedures at the University of Michigan. We have grouped these cystoscopic urethral findings based on women's chief complaint: 1) urinary Incontinence, leakage or dribbling; 2) irritative urinary symptoms; 3) obstructive urinary symptoms; 4) lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) after pubovaginal sling (PVS); 5) externally visible urethral lesions._x000D_


We illustrate fourteen cases at the time of cystoscopy in the operating room. The first group includes a pseudodiverticulum, a circumferential diverticulum and an ectopic ureteral orifice in the urethra. The group of irritative symptoms is compounded by a midurethral synthetic sling (MUSS) perforation, a bulking agent deposit that is partially obstructing, and a MUSS bladder perforation at the trigone. The group of obstructive symptoms comprises a normal urethra, a primary bladder neck obstruction, and a bladder neck stricture disease. The group of LUTS after PVS includes two cases. The last group of external urethral lesions comprises a urethral caruncle, a urethral prolapse and a paraurethral tumor.


This is a unique collection of common and rare urologic urethral disease in the woman. Despite the short length of the female urethra, cystoscopic findings are key for the diagnosis of female urethral disease.

Funding: None