V1078: Left laparoscopic radical nephrectomy: Step-by-step

V1078: Left laparoscopic radical nephrectomy: Step-by-step


Introduction and Objectives
Two decades after its introduction, laparoscopic radical nephrectomy is now a standard of care for amenable tumors up to stage T3, and for cytoreductive nephrectomy. The current challenge is appropriately educating practicing urologists and urology trainees in the appropriate techniques to minimize complications. As such, one obstacle is that urologists may never

actually witness the most feared complications arising from a given step until they are suddenly faced with the prospect of expeditiously handling them.

An international collaboration allowed us to collect multiple videos exemplifying not only proper techniques for left sided nephrectomy, but also complicaitons pertinent to each step. The authors compiled their collective experience to offer tips regarding surgical planning, technical maneuvers pertinent to each step, warnings, potential complications, and their management.

This educational video demonstrates the perfomance of a conventional left laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. Pertinent complications demonstrated include splenic injury, diaphragm injury with pneumothorax, superior mesenteric artery ligation, stapler malfunction, and bile duct injury.

The gold standard treatment in certain upper urinary tract neoplasms is radical nephrectomy and the laparoscopic approach has demonstrated advantages compare with open approach. This unique educational video was compiled demonstrating both the proper technical maneuvers, alongside those leading to major complications. We hope this serves as a didactic tool to use in conjuction with simulator based education and hands-on live training.

Funding: None