V06-11: Uretero neobladder reimplantation using the Da Vinci Xi robot and the Firefly® system

V06-11: Uretero neobladder reimplantation using the Da Vinci Xi robot and the Firefly® system



To describe the feasibility of robotic uretero-neobladder reimplantation using Indocyanine Green (ICG) and blue dye in order to treat uretero-neobladder stenosis.


The patient was a 66-year-old male with a congenital solitary right kidney that was first treated with robotic radical cystectomy and intra corporeal Studer orthotopic ileal neobladder. A right nephrostomy tube was performed at 1 month to treat a uretero-neobladder stenosis. A robotic right uretero-neobladder reimplantation was performed by injecting ICG and blue dye through the nephrostomy to aid ureteral dissection and blue dye through the urinary catheter to aid neobladder identification. A uretero-neobladder anastomosis was performed after a per operative JJ stent was inserted.


Operative time was 60 min. Per-operative blood loss was 100cc. The nephrostomy tube was removed on day 2. Return to bowel function was 2 days for gaz and 3 days for stool. Length of hospital stay was 3 days. The urinary catheter was removed on day 14. The JJ stent was removed on day 21. The were no post operative complications with a follow up of 6 months.


Robotic uretero-neobladder reimplantation using ICG and blue dye is a feasible option to treat uretero-neobladder stenosis allowing a better ureteral and neobladder identification.

Funding: None