V05-02: Bulbo-membranous urethroplasty with "BAES-Flap": A description of the surgical technique
Complex iatrogenic urethral stenosis usually requires multistage procedures or even a definitive perineal urethrostomy which must not be considered a reconstructive procedure but a urinary diversion. The biaxial epilated scrotal flap ("BAES-flap") provides a convincing resource to be included in the armamentarium of the reconstructive surgeon who confronts challenging stenotic urethral disease.
A 54-year-old male with a history of chronic urinary tract infection had been diagnosed a bulbar urethral stenosis in 2008 and treated with multiple visual internal urethrotomies which worsened the urethral stenotic disease. The accompanying video depicts a technique of one-stage bulbo-membranous urethroplasty based on a ventral "BAES flap" in patch configuration 6 cm. wide which is supported with a synthetic mesh.
A complex bulbar and membranous urethral stenosis was corrected as a one-stage procedure.
The biaxial epilated scrotal flap ("BAES-flap") has permitted us to solve a complex iatrogenic urethral stenosis in a reliable one-stage urethroplasty.
Funding: None.