V04-09: Current Methodology in Penile Implant Revision Surgery
Introduction and Objective: The authors propose a novel and updated way of thinking about penile implant revision surgery. Giving the patient a functional device, and/or replacing the broken device with exact parts so as to return to baseline is not enough- any revision is an opportunity for device improvement.
Methods: Several clinical scenarios are captured on video to illustrate the best practice for penile implant revision- but also where the opportunities lie for prosthetic improvement. They can be boiled down to a few select, and more common, scenarios.
Results: Using the old device as a guide and scaffold for the new device insertion is critical- and that method is demonstrated. Then, pumps position can be improved, and device tips and length should be assessed and improved.
Conclusions: Device revision for any revision presents an opportunity for improvement- the most common ways are captured here. This is an updated way of thinking about penile implant rervisions- as an opportunity for improvement, not just functionality.
Funding: none