AUAUniversity Podcast Series: Episode No. 149

Live from AUA2022: Highlights in Overactive Bladder

CME Available:

Course Director: David A. Ginsberg, MD
Faculty: Anne P. Cameron, MD, FRCSC, FPMRS; Sara M. Lenherr, MD, MS, FPRMS, Eric Rovner, MD; Eric Rovner, MD

This educational activity is supported by an independent educational grant from:

At the conclusion of the activity, participants will be able to:
1. Define the similarities and differences between the various oral pharmacotherapies for OAB and discuss the potential future pharmacological pathways and therapies.
2. Describe the importance of setting proper patient expectations regarding treatment of OAB and the potential need for sequential and even additive therapies.
3. Discuss optimal use of third line therapies in order to maximize clinical benefit.
4. Counsel patients on the pros and cons and risks and benefits of each of the third line therapies for OAB.