Update Series (2019) Lesson 10: Lynch Syndrome in the Perspective of the Urologist |
$99.00 |
NOTE: CME is no longer available for this activity.Now in its 38th installment, the AUA Update Series is renowned for delivering high-quality lessons to practicing urologists, fellows and residents. All content is developed in consultation with and edited by internationally recognized experts in urology, making the AUA Update Series the most professional and sought-after self-study program available. Improve your practice and patient care by staying abreast of the latest treatments and surgical techniques in urology. |
Update Series (2021) Lesson 6: A Critical Appraisal of the AUA/SUFU Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Guidelines |
$99.00 |
NOTE: CME is no longer available for this activity.Now in its 40th installment, the AUA Update Series is renowned for delivering high-quality lessons to practicing urologists, fellows and residents. All content is developed in consultation with and edited by internationally recognized experts in urology, making the AUA Update Series the most professional and sought-after self-study program available. Improve your practice and patient care by staying abreast of the latest treatments and surgical techniques in urology. |
Update Series (2017) Lesson 35: Operating Room Efficiency: Process and Measures |
$99.00 |
Now in its 36th installment, the AUA Update Series is renowned for delivering high-quality lessons to practicing urologists, fellows and residents. All content is developed in consultation with and edited by internationally recognized experts in urology, making the AUA Update Series the most professional and sought-after self-study program available. Improve your practice and patient care by staying abreast of the latest treatments and surgical techniques in urology.Available in Two Formats |
Update Series (2022) Lesson 40: The Urachus: Current Concepts |
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$99.00 |
Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go for Free!Did you know you can stream Update Series lessons from your favorite Podcast app (including Apple Podcast and Pocket Casts)?Add the Update Series Audio Lessons to Your Podcast Library Today!Please follow the download instructions to your preferred Podcast app, located below. |
Update Series (2015) Lesson 17: Delayed Ejaculation: A Condition Whose Time Has Come |
$0.00 |
For the most timely topics and latest surgical techniques in urology, you won’t want to miss the 2015 AUA Update Series—the AUA’s most popular self-study CME product.All new topics for 2015! |
Practical Implementation of Third-Line Therapies for Refractory Overactive Bladder (OAB) Webcast (2024) |
- 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 2.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 |
Learners will be presented with case-based and guidelines-based information regarding when to introduce third-line therapies to patients for potentially refractory overactive bladder (OAB), presentation (scripting) techniques to impart important information to patients with user-friendly comprehensible language and analogies to help the patients receive the counseling, pros and cons of each of the third-line therapies, technical tips on optimal delivery of the three third-line therapies and how to select which therapies are the best fit for a given patient. |
Update Series (2019) Lesson 27: 2018 AUA Erectile Dysfunction Guidelines |
$99.00 |
NOTE: CME is no longer available for this activityNow in its 38th installment, the AUA Update Series is renowned for delivering high-quality lessons to practicing urologists, fellows and residents. All content is developed in consultation with and edited by internationally recognized experts in urology, making the AUA Update Series the most professional and sought-after self-study program available. Improve your practice and patient care by staying abreast of the latest treatments and surgical techniques in urology. |
Update Series (2021) Lesson 18: Ergonomics in the OR – What Surgeons Should Do to Protect Themselves and Others |
$99.00 |
NOTE: CME is no longer available for this activity.Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go!This enhanced feature is FREE to all Update Series subscribers. Stream audio recordings of all 40 lessons conveniently from your mobile device! Access the Audio Lesson in the AUAUniversity app and within the AUAU lesson Content page. |
Advanced Practice Provider Core Curriculum: Urological Emergencies (2022) |
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 |
Member only benefit! Results of a recent survey sent to US based practicing urologists show that there has been an increase in the number of advanced practice providers (APPs) actively providing front-line urologic care. Based on these findings, it was determined that the AUA develop a modular curriculum to be used in advancing the standard of urologic education for APPs. This educational curriculum, developed in partnership with the Cleveland Clinic, is comprised of online videos targeted towards the most common reasons patients seek non-operative urologic care. |
Update Series (2017) Lesson 16: Partial Orchiectomy for Testicular Masses: Role of Testis-Sparing Surgery |
$75.00 |
Now in its 36th installment, the AUA Update Series is renowned for delivering high-quality lessons to practicing urologists, fellows and residents. All content is developed in consultation with and edited by internationally recognized experts in urology, making the AUA Update Series the most professional and sought-after self-study program available. Improve your practice and patient care by staying abreast of the latest treatments and surgical techniques in urology.Available in Two Formats |
Update Series (2024) Lesson 10: Management Approach to the Cancer Patient with Hydronephrosis |
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 |
Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go for Free!Did you know you can stream Update Series lessons from your favorite Podcast app (including Apple Podcast and Pocket Casts)?Add the Update Series Audio Lessons to Your Podcast Library Today!Please follow the download instructions to your preferred Podcast app, located below. |
Update Series (2015) Lesson 33: Cytoreductive Nephrectomy in the Age of Targeted Systemic Therapy |
$0.00 |
For the most timely topics and latest surgical techniques in urology, you won’t want to miss the 2015 AUA Update Series—the AUA’s most popular self-study CME product.All new topics for 2015! |
Biomarkers and Molecular Imaging for Prostate Cancer Podcast (2024) |
- 0.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 0.50 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 |
Based on the documented need for additional education in prostate cancer, the AUA has developed AUA Expert Exchange Podcast: Discussions in Prostate Cancer. To address the educational needs of the urologic care team, this episode will focus on:Biomarkers and Molecular Imaging for Prostate Cancer |
Update Series (2018) Lesson 33: Federal Quality Reporting |
$99.00 |
NOTE: CME is no longer available for this activity.Now in its 37th installment, the AUA Update Series is renowned for delivering high-quality lessons to practicing urologists, fellows and residents. All content is developed in consultation with and edited by internationally recognized experts in urology, making the AUA Update Series the most professional and sought-after self-study program available. Improve your practice and patient care by staying abreast of the latest treatments and surgical techniques in urology.Available in Two Formats |
Update Series Index |
$0.00 |
AUA Update Series Index Volumes 1-39 |