E.g., 02/12/2025
E.g., 02/12/2025
Title Category Credit Event date List Pricesort descending
Update Series (2021): Test Your Knowledge Lessons 1-5 $0.00 For our annual subscribers, we are excited to continue to offer a new feature to the Update Series! If you like to answer questions to help you study and learn, we are now offering Test Your Knowledge activities with each release of the Update Series.This new feature:
Update Series (2023): Test Your Knowledge Lessons 11-15 $0.00 For our annual subscribers, we are excited to continue to offer a new feature to the Update Series! If you like to answer questions to help you study and learn, we are now offering Test Your Knowledge activities with each release of the Update Series.The Test Your Knowledge activity:
Update Series (2015) Lesson 30: Management of Post-Obstructive Diuresis $0.00 For the most timely topics and latest surgical techniques in urology, you won’t want to miss the 2015 AUA Update Series—the AUA’s most popular self-study CME product.All new topics for 2015!
How to use Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen-Positron Emission Tomography/CT in the Management of Relapsing Prostate Cancer Patients following Local...
    • 2.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 2.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 The learners will understand the following critical clinical aspects with regard to the clinical application of prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) PET/CT; scanning mode of action of PSMA PET/CT; pitfalls of PSMA PET/CT; diagnostic accuracy depending on PSA, PSA double time, prostate cancer histology; application of PSMA PET/CT to identify patients with intrapelvic nodal relapse who will benefit from local therapy such as salvage lymphadenectomy or stereotactic radiation therapy; application of PSMA PET/CT to identify patients with organ-confined radiorecurrent local relapse of prosta
Update Series (2016) Lesson 6: Early Genital Surgery in Children with Disorders of Sex Development $0.00 For the most timely topics and latest surgical techniques in urology, you won't want to miss the 2016 AUA Update Series—AUA's most popular self-study CME product.Concise, practical lessons on timely topicsState-of-the-art surgical techniquesAuthors are among the best in their specialtiesEarn up to 40 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
Update Series (2024) Lesson 27: Case-Based Urethral Stricture Clinical Practice Guidelines
    • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go for Free!Did you know you can stream Update Series lessons from your favorite Podcast app (including Apple Podcast and Pocket Casts)?Add the Update Series Audio Lessons to Your Podcast Library Today!Please follow the download instructions to your preferred Podcast app, located below. 
Conflict of Interest Disclosures - Guidelines Panelists $0.00 Congratulations on your role in producing AUA’s Clinical Guidelines.  Guideline development is an important driver of the AUA mission and one of the top-rated AUA benefits to its members and urology.  Now that you are involved in the creation of clinical guidelines, there are some things you need to know about how you can do your part to ensure that they are created without bias or the appearance of such.
Update Series (2016) Lesson 22: Management of Antimicrobial Resistance
    • 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 For the most timely topics and latest surgical techniques in urology, you won't want to miss the 2016 AUA Update Series—AUA's most popular self-study CME product.Concise, practical lessons on timely topicsState-of-the-art surgical techniquesAuthors are among the best in their specialtiesEarn up to 40 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
Update Series (2024) Lesson 38: What’s New with Urethral Bulking Agents?
    • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go for Free!Did you know you can stream Update Series lessons from your favorite Podcast app (including Apple Podcast and Pocket Casts)?Add the Update Series Audio Lessons to Your Podcast Library Today!Please follow the download instructions to your preferred Podcast app, located below. 
Establishing Your Independent Urologic Research Lab (2025) $0.00 NEW COMPLIMENTARY COURSEFOR AUA MEMBERS! 
Update Series (2024): Audio Playlist $0.00 Instructions to add the Update Series Podcast to your Library are below. Please follow the instructions pertaining to your preferred Podcast app, and let us know what you think. Feed URL: https://university.auanet.org/updateseries/rssaudio.cfm?userID=Apple PodcastsTap "Library" on the bottom row of icons. Then hit "Edit" on the top right, and select "Add a Show by URL". Then paste the feed URL and tap "Subscribe" and you're off to the races.
Update Series (2024) Lesson 4: Medicolegal Considerations in Urology: Most Common Urology Issues Leading to Litigation
    • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
    • 1.00 Non-Physician Participation
$0.00 Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go for Free!Did you know you can stream Update Series lessons from your favorite Podcast app (including Apple Podcast and Pocket Casts)?Add the Update Series Audio Lessons to Your Podcast Library Today!Please follow the download instructions to your preferred Podcast app, located below. 
Update Series (2016) Lesson 39: Evaluation and Endoscopic Management of Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma $0.00 For the most timely topics and latest surgical techniques in urology, you won't want to miss the 2016 AUA Update Series—AUA's most popular self-study CME product.Concise, practical lessons on timely topicsState-of-the-art surgical techniquesAuthors are among the best in their specialtiesEarn up to 40 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™
Update Series (2024): Test Your Knowledge Lessons 31-35 $0.00 For our annual subscribers, we are excited to continue to offer a new feature to the Update Series! If you like to answer questions to help you study and learn, we are now offering Test Your Knowledge activities with each release of the Update Series.The Test Your Knowledge activity:
Update Series (2021) Lesson 35: Adult Non-Germ Cell Tumors of the Testis and Scrotum $0.00 NOTE: CME is no longer available for this activity.Audio Lessons - Listen on-the-go!This enhanced feature is FREE to all Update Series subscribers. Stream audio recordings of all 40 lessons conveniently from your mobile device! Access the Audio Lesson in the AUAUniversity app and within the AUAU  lesson Content page.
